Link Aggregation

Link aggregation is a networking technique used to combine multiple network connections into a single, high-bandwidth connection. By merging individual connections, such as Ethernet interfaces, Wi-Fi, cellular, or satellite links, into one logical connection, link aggregation enhances the overall performance, helps increase bandwidth, and improves network reliability.

At its core, link aggregation works by balancing the data traffic load across multiple physical connections. This method can be visualized as creating a larger, more capable data pathway, allowing more data to flow through a combined network than through a single connection alone. This technique is often used in enterprise settings, data centers, and organizations where uptime and network efficiency are vital.

There are three main features of link aggregation, each providing different benefits:

  1. Flow Duplication: This feature duplicates data packets and sends them over two different network connections simultaneously. It ensures that if one path faces congestion or fails, the data still reaches its destination through the other path without any interruption. This is particularly useful for mission-critical applications where data delivery is crucial, such as in first responder communication systems or in vehicles traveling through areas with inconsistent cellular coverage.
  2. Flow Balancing: Flow balancing distributes network traffic across multiple connections based on predefined weights. For example, more traffic can be directed through a cheaper or more stable connection, while the remaining traffic uses more expensive or less stable paths. This feature helps optimize network costs and ensures efficient use of available bandwidth.
  3. Bandwidth Aggregation: Often what people think of when hearing "link aggregation,” bandwidth aggregation combines the total bandwidth of multiple links into a single, larger data pipe. This improvement is particularly beneficial for applications needing high bandwidth, such as video streaming or large file transfers. However, this combined connection adopts the latency of the slowest link in the group, making it essential to pair connections with similar speeds for optimal performance.

Overall, link aggregation enables businesses to achieve better network efficiency, resiliency, and cost savings by intelligently managing and combining various network connections.

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