Your Guide to Container Runtime Security

October 3, 2024
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Container runtime security is the real-time monitoring and protection of containerized computing environments. Securing your containers while they are operational is essential for maintaining the integrity and safety of your applications and data across your company networks.

Using the example of a container hosting a web server, if someone tries to execute a suspicious command inside the container, runtime security mechanisms would detect this anomaly instantly and take action to prevent potential damage.

To use another example, let’s say you have a containerized application that processes customer data. If an attacker manages to gain unauthorized access and attempts to exfiltrate that data, robust runtime security measures would not only alert you but also block the unauthorized actions in real time. This is vital because it’s not just about identifying threats, but swiftly mitigating them to protect your networks and data.

Container runtime security involves tools and techniques like runtime scanning, behavioral monitoring, and implementing policies that define what’s considered normal behavior for your containers. If anything deviates from this norm, alarms go off. 

Moreover, runtime security extends to managing container permissions and capabilities. Containers need certain permissions to function, but excessive privileges can be a security risk. By minimizing the permissions (a principle known as the Principle of Least Privilege), you reduce the attack surface.

Definition of containers

In the simplest terms, containers are lightweight, standalone, and executable software packages. They bundle up all the essential components like code, libraries, and dependencies that an application needs to run. They are like mini virtual machines, but with a smaller footprint.

Let’s say you are developing an application. Instead of worrying about the environment it's running in, you package everything it needs inside a container. This ensures the app behaves the same, whether it’s on a developer’s laptop, in a testing environment, or in production on the cloud. For example, if your application requires a specific version of Python and certain libraries, you bundle it all together in the container.

Containers are isolated from one another and the host system. This isolation is crucial for security. Let's say you have multiple applications running on the same server. If one container becomes compromised, the attacker wouldn't easily hop over to other containers or the host system. 

For instance, if an attacker exploits a vulnerability in your web server container, they wouldn’t be able to directly access another container running a database.

Now, containers use the host’s operating system kernel, unlike virtual machines which run their own OS. This makes containers faster and more efficient, but it also means you need to be extra vigilant about security. Since containers share the host’s OS, a vulnerability in the OS could potentially affect all containers running on it.

To give a practical example, let’s say you’re running a containerized e-commerce site. One container runs the front-end web server, another handles user authentication, and yet another processes payments. Each container has only the components necessary for its specific function. 

If an attacker breaches the front-end container, runtime security mechanisms would detect suspicious activities—like attempts to access the payment container—and block them. This keeps your customer data safe.

So, while containers are powerful tools for packaging and deploying applications consistently across environments, their efficiency and shared OS kernel make robust runtime security essential. You need to monitor their behavior, restrict their permissions, and rapidly respond to any threats. This keeps your applications and data secure.

Key components of container runtime environments

Container runtime

This is the software that actually runs your containers. Think of tools like Docker or containerd. They handle everything from pulling container images, starting and stopping containers, to managing their lifecycle. 

For instance, Docker can pull an image of your web server from a registry and spin it up in seconds. But it doesn't stop at just running containers; it also facilitates communication between them, which is where things like Docker’s networking capabilities come into play.

Container image

This is a static snapshot of everything your application needs—code, runtime, libraries, and system tools. It’s like a recipe for creating a container. 

When you deploy a container, you are essentially baking a fresh instance from this recipe. For example, your e-commerce site’s front-end might have its own image with all the necessary HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. 

The security of the container image is paramount. Vulnerabilities in the image translate to vulnerabilities in the running container. Therefore, you must regularly scan these images for known security issues even before they go live.

Namespaces and cgroups (control groups)

These are features provided by the Linux kernel. Namespaces provide isolation, making sure your container operates as if it has its own separate environment. 

For instance, your web server container believes it has its own network stack, even though it's sharing the underlying hardware. Cgroups, on the other hand, manage resource allocation. They keep greedy containers from hogging all the CPU, memory, or disk I/O, ensuring fair resource distribution across containers. Imagine cgroups as traffic controllers, making sure each container gets its fair share of road space without causing a jam.


By default, containers can communicate with each other, much like rooms in a house can connect through doors. However, this connectivity needs to be managed carefully to prevent unauthorized access. 

For example, your front-end container doesn’t need to talk to a container running your analytics engine. Implementing network policies can ensure containers only communicate with specified peers, blocking any dubious traffic.


Containers typically use ephemeral storage, meaning data can vanish once the container stops. But for persistent data, you use volumes. For example, user-uploaded images on your site need to stick around, so you would use a volume to store these files. 

However, access to these volumes should be tightly controlled. You don't want your web server container to modify database files, for instance.

Security policies and configurations

These form the linchpin of a secure container runtime environment. Using tools like AppArmor or SELinux, you can define what a container can and cannot do. 

For example, if your application doesn’t need to make network connections, you can enforce a policy that blocks all outbound traffic from that container. Additionally, considering immutable infrastructure practices can further bolster security, ensuring containers’ filesystems are read-only post-deployment.

Runtime monitoring and logging

Continuously observing container activity helps you catch and respond to security events. Imagine setting up monitoring agents that log every process each container spawns. If your web server container suddenly starts executing shell commands out of the norm, alarms go off, and immediate action is taken.

Each of these components plays a pivotal role in creating a robust, secure container runtime environment. From the runtime engine itself, through tight control over resources and communication, down to vigilant monitoring—they all work together to keep your applications running smoothly and securely.

Common container runtime security risks

Unauthorized access

Containers can be a juicy target for attackers because if they manage to gain access, they might exploit it to attack other containers or even the host system. 

For instance, if a container running a web server is compromised due to a vulnerability, the attacker could try to pivot and access sensitive data in other containers. This is why it's crucial to implement strong authentication and authorization mechanisms.

Privilege escalation

Once an attacker gains access to a container, they may look to escalate their privileges to move laterally within your computing environment. In the context of container environments, this can be incredibly dangerous because it could allow an attacker to break out of a container and compromise the host system or other containers.

Containers often run processes with more privileges than they need. So for a containerized web server running as the root user, an attacker could exploit it to gain root access inside the container if they find a vulnerability in the web server software. 

From there, the attacker might attempt to escape the container and access the host system. This could lead to a full-scale breach of the entire infrastructure.

One way you can mitigate this risk is by adhering to the Principle of Least Privilege. This means configuring each container to run with the minimum set of privileges required to perform its function. 

Another technique is to avoid running containers as the root user whenever possible. Instead, you should create a specific user with limited permissions for running the application inside the container. 

For example, in your Dockerfile, you can add lines like `RUN groupadd -r appuser && useradd -r -g appuser appuser` and then switch to this user with `USER appuser`. This simple step drastically reduces the attack surface.

Seccomp profiles and AppArmor can also help us further restrict what a container can do. Think of these as security guards that keep an eye on container activities. Seccomp, for example, allows you to filter system calls a container can make. 

If your application doesn’t need to access the network, you can create a Seccomp profile that blocks all network-related system calls. AppArmor works similarly by defining a security profile for a container, detailing what it can and can’t do. Both tools are about tightening the reins on your containers, limiting the damage a compromised container can inflict.

Data leakage

Containers often handle sensitive data, and if their storage isn't properly managed, this data could leak. Containers typically use ephemeral storage, meaning data can vanish once the container stops. 

But for persistent data—like user-uploaded images on our site—you must use volumes. These volumes should be tightly controlled to ensure only authorized containers can access them. You certainly don’t want your web server container to modify database files.

Runtime anomalies

Containers should behave in a predictable manner. If a container starts doing something unusual—like executing shell commands when it normally shouldn't—this could indicate a security breach. 

Real-time monitoring tools can help detect such anomalies. For instance, if your application container starts spawning a shell process, your runtime security mechanisms should flag and investigate this immediately.

You can use tools like Falco to detect and alert on abnormal behaviors in real-time. So, if after starting a container and getting a shell inside it, Falco would alert you immediately because that’s an unusual activity that could signal an attack.

Container escape

This happens when an attacker breaks out of a container and gains access to the underlying host system or other containers. Think of it like a prisoner breaking out of their cell and roaming free in the prison. It’s a serious security failure.

Containers are designed to be isolated, but that isolation isn’t foolproof. If a vulnerability exists within the container runtime or the host’s kernel, an attacker can exploit it to break out of the container. For example, a notorious vulnerability like “Dirty COW” (CVE-2016-5195) allowed attackers to gain write access to read-only memory, potentially leading to a container escape.

One way to mitigate this risk is by keeping your software up to date. Regularly patching the host’s OS, container runtimes, and any other software in the stack is crucial. If a security patch is released for Docker, for example, you should apply it promptly. This minimizes the window of opportunity for attackers to exploit known vulnerabilities.

Beyond patching, you should also use security profiles to limit container capabilities. Tools like AppArmor and SELinux can confine containers to a very restricted set of actions. You can configure AppArmor to block access to sensitive host files or network interfaces. Even if an attacker manages to compromise a container, the restrictions make it much harder for them to escalate their attack.

Namespaces play a big part too. They provide the isolation that separates containers from the host and each other. However, not all namespaces are created equal. User namespaces, for instance, allow containers to have a separate set of user and group IDs from the host. 

By using user namespaces, you can make it so that even if a container thinks it’s running as root, it’s actually running with limited permissions on the host. This is like giving a burglar a fake master key that only works in their own room.

Another trick is using read-only file systems for containers that don’t need to write to disk. Let’s say you have a microservice that reads configuration data but doesn’t need to write logs or output files. By mounting its filesystem as read-only, you significantly reduce the risk of an attacker modifying system files. In Docker, this can be achieved by adding the `--read-only` flag when running the container.

You can also minimize the attack surface by reducing the number of services running on the host. The more services you have, the more potential vulnerabilities an attacker can exploit. For instance, running a lightweight, purpose-built OS like Alpine Linux for your container hosts can help reduce unnecessary services and potential entry points.

Image vulnerabilities

As we have established, container images are like the building blocks of your applications. They package everything your app needs: code, libraries, and even system tools. But if there’s a vulnerability in the image, it’s like building your house on a shaky foundation. 

Think about this: you pull a base image for your web server from a public registry. It might include outdated libraries with known vulnerabilities. If you run your app on top of this image without checking, you’re essentially inviting attackers in. 

For instance, if the base image has an old version of OpenSSL with security flaws, that could be exploited to decrypt sensitive communication.

The first step to mitigate this risk is scanning your images regularly. Tools like Clair and Trivy can help you here. They analyze container images for known vulnerabilities by comparing them against a database of CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures). 

Imagine you scan your web server image and discover it contains a vulnerable version of a library. You get alerted and can fix it before deploying the container in production.

Another good practice is to use minimal base images. The more stuff in an image, the more potential vulnerabilities. For example, using an Alpine Linux base image, which is just a few megabytes in size, reduces the attack surface. Trim all excess fat to only include what’s absolutely necessary for your app to run. If your web server only needs a specific Python runtime, you don’t need a full-blown OS with a ton of unused packages.

It’s also wise to manage your own image registry. Relying solely on public registries can be risky because you don’t always know what you are getting. By maintaining a private registry, you can control and audit the images that get used. 

For instance, you pull a base image, scan it, patch any vulnerabilities, and then store it in your private registry. This way, every team in your organization uses secure, vetted images.

You should also automate your image builds and scans as part of your CI/CD pipeline. Every time you update your app or its dependencies, the pipeline should rebuild the image and scan it for vulnerabilities. For example, if a new version of a library is released that patches a security flaw, your CI/CD system detects it, rebuilds the image, and deploys a secure version without manual intervention.

Using image signing is another layer of protection. Tools like Docker Content Trust let you sign images, ensuring they haven’t been tampered with. It’s like putting a digital signature on your images. 

When you pull an image, you verify its signature to ensure it’s the exact image you expect. If your web server image is signed, any changes to it without re-signing would be flagged, preventing tampered images from running.

Insecure configurations

Even if you have secure images and up-to-date software, poor configurations can leave you vulnerable. Think of configurations as the rules and settings that govern how your containers operate. If these rules are too lax, they can create openings for attackers.

One common issue is running containers with unnecessary privileges. For example, if you launch a container with the `--privileged` flag, it gets almost unlimited access to the host system. This is like giving someone the keys to the entire building when they only need access to one room. 

Instead, you should only grant the permissions my container absolutely needs. If you web server container doesn’t need to modify system files, you  can drop the `CAP_SYS_ADMIN` capability using Docker’s `--cap-drop` flag.

Another risky configuration is exposing too many ports. By default, containers might expose several ports for various services. If you are not careful, some of these ports could be entry points for attackers. For example, if your database container exposes its management port to the internet, an attacker could try to brute-force their way in. 

You should be diligent with your firewall rules and only expose the necessary ports. If your web server only needs port 80 and 443, you will ensure those are the only ones open and accessible.

Hardcoding sensitive data within container configurations is another pitfall. If you hardcode database credentials or API keys inside your container's environment variables and someone gains access to the container, they could easily extract these secrets. 

Using secret management tools like Kubernetes Secrets or Docker Secrets is a much safer approach. These tools allow you to inject sensitive data into containers securely without exposing them in the configuration files.

Using default network settings can also create security gaps. For instance, Docker’s default bridge network allows all containers to communicate with each other. This isn’t always desirable. If your front-end application container doesn’t need to talk to you analytics container, there’s no reason to allow that network traffic. 

Instead, you  can create custom networks and apply network policies to restrict communication between containers. It’s like setting up different rooms where only specific people have access.

The filesystem permissions within containers need careful attention too. By default, all files within a container might be writable, which isn’t necessary for most applications. For example, if your application doesn’t need to modify its code files after startup, you can mount those directories as read-only. 

In Docker, you can use the `:ro` option when mounting volumes to enforce this. It’s like making certain parts of a library “read-only” where books can only be read but not altered.

A common oversight is neglecting to set resource limits. Containers without limits can consume all available resources, potentially starving other containers or crashing the host. 

For instance, if your web server container suddenly spikes in resource usage due to a traffic surge or an attack, it could bring down the whole system. Using Docker’s `--memory` and `--cpu` flags or Kubernetes’ resource quotas, you can set limits to ensure fair resource allocation and prevent any single container from hogging everything.

In monitoring configurations, enabling detailed logs and monitoring isn't just for debugging; it's key for security. If an attacker tries to break in, they often leave traces. By configuring your containers to log all activities and using tools like Falco for real-time monitoring, you  can detect suspicious behavior promptly. 

For instance, if your normally quiet API container starts making numerous outbound connections, an alert would trigger, indicating something might be amiss.

Best practices for securing your containers during runtime

Minimize container privileges

Always ensure your containers run with the least amount of privilege necessary. For example, you should avoid using the `--privileged` flag unless absolutely necessary. 

You must also drop unnecessary capabilities using Docker's `--cap-drop` flag. When running a simple web server, for example, it doesn't need capabilities like `CAP_SYS_ADMIN`, so you must drop it to reduce the attack surface.

Take extra care with the user context in which your containers run

Running as the root user inside a container is risky. Instead, create a non-root user within the Dockerfile. For instance, you can add a line like `RUN useradd -r -u 1001 appuser` and then switch to this user with `USER appuser`. This small change can prevent many potential attacks.

When it comes to network configurations, be selective about the ports you expose. If your container only needs to serve HTTP and HTTPS traffic, ensure only ports 80 and 443 are open. 

For example, in Kubernetes, you can configure your services and ingress rules to limit exposed ports. Additionally, you use network policies to control which containers can communicate with each other. If your front-end and back-end containers need to talk, but the database container shouldn't be directly accessible, you should set up rules to enforce this.

Never hardcode sensitive information directly into your container images

Hardcoding sensitive information like API keys or database credentials is way too risky. Instead, use secret management tools. In Kubernetes, you can use `Secrets` to store sensitive data and inject them into your containers at runtime. This way, your secrets are more secure, and you can rotate them more easily.

Regularly scan your container images for vulnerabilities

If a new vulnerability is discovered in one of your base images or dependencies, rebuild and redeploy your containers with the patched versions. You can use tools like Trivy or Clair to scan your container images for vulnerabilities.

For example, if a vulnerability is found in an outdated version of OpenSSL, ensure your Dockerfile is updated to pull the latest secure version and then redeploy.

Use minimal base images

This habit will help you reduce the attack surface. Instead of using a full-fledged OS as a base image, opt for minimal ones like `alpine` or `scratch`. 

If your service just needs a small Python runtime, use an Alpine-based Python image. It’s like having a lean, mean fighting machine—efficient and with fewer potential vulnerabilities.

Configure resource limits for your containers

In Docker, you can use the `--memory` and `--cpu` flags to set limits. Similarly, in Kubernetes, you can define resource requests and limits in my pod specs. 

This prevents any single container from consuming all the host's resources and potentially causing a denial of service. For example, you may set a memory limit of 512Mi and a CPU limit of 0.5 for your lightweight web server container.

Configure detailed logging for all your containers

Use monitoring tools like Falco. If one of my containers starts behaving oddly, like a sudden spike in network traffic or unexpected system calls, Falco alerts you immediately. This helps to catch and respond to threats in real-time. 

For instance, if your database container, which usually stays quiet, suddenly starts making numerous outbound connections, you get notified right away.

Focusing on these best practices ensures that your container environments are secure and resilient against potential threats. Generally though, protecting your containers during runtime is about being proactive and meticulous, keeping a close eye on configurations, and constantly updating and monitoring your containers.

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