The Ultimate Guide to Container Security - IT Networking

August 2, 2024
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Containers are fabulously convenient for isolating applications, but bad things happen when you don’t secure them. They are designed to work like locked boxes. Each box holds an app and its dependencies, isolated from the rest of the system. That isolation is critical, but achieving and maintaining it can be a challenge.

How containers work and the security risks involved

Container images

The first container security risk is right at the point of their creation. Precisely, it lies with container images, which are templates you use to spin up containers. 

It's crucial to use container images from trusted sources. By trusted, we mean verified repositories like Docker Hub or your internal repositories where you know the images are clean. Even then, you should regularly scan these images for vulnerabilities. Tools like Clair or Trivy can automate this process, flagging any security issues before deploying.


Containers should only have the permissions they need to function, nothing more. For instance, if a container doesn't need to write to disk, don't give it write permissions. 

Restricting privileges minimizes potential damage if the container is compromised. You can enforce this using Kubernetes with PodSecurityPolicies or simply by configuring the container runtime.


This concerns runtime security. Once a container is running, you need to monitor it. Tools like Falco can help. Falco watches the behavior of containers and alerts you if something fishy happens. For example, if a container starts accessing sensitive files or making unexpected network connections, you will know about it right away.


Networking is a critical aspect. Containers communicate over the network, and you need to make sure this communication is secure. Using network policies in Kubernetes, you can control which containers can talk to each other. For instance, only allowing the web container to talk to the database container and nothing else. This reduces the attack surface.

Secrets management

Containers often need sensitive information like API keys or passwords. Storing these directly in the container image is not advised. Instead, use Kubernetes Secrets or tools like HashiCorp Vault. These tools help you securely inject secrets into containers at runtime without exposing them.

Container host

The underlying operating system that runs your containers needs to be secure too. Regularly update and patch the OS, and use tools like Lynis to perform security audits. If the host is compromised, all bets are off, so it's crucial we don't overlook this layer.

Containers vs. virtual machines (VMs)

To understand the security challenges unique to containers, you must know how they differ from virtual machines (VMs). Both are popular for deploying applications, but they have their differences. 

VMs have the notable benefit that they allow multiple operating systems to run on a single physical machine. For instance, you can have a Linux VM and a Windows VM running side-by-side on the same host. Each VM includes a full OS, which means they can be quite large and resource-intensive.

Now, containers are a different beast. Unlike VMs, containers share the host operating system's kernel, making them lightweight and fast. Think of them as a more efficient way to bundle applications with their dependencies. 

For example, if you are deploying a web application, you can package it in a container along with its specific runtime, libraries, and anything else it needs. This container can then run on any system with a container runtime like Docker installed.

Another notable difference is startup time. VMs can take minutes to boot up because they need to load the entire OS. Meanwhile, containers can start almost instantly since they're only concerned with the application and its dependencies.

Resource usage is another area where containers usually have the upper hand. VMs need their slice of CPU, RAM, and disk space reserved. This can lead to overhead, especially when running multiple VMs on a single host. Containers, on the other hand, can share resources more efficiently. I've seen cases where I could run ten times more containerized apps compared to VM-based ones on the same hardware.

Security-wise, both have their pros and cons. VMs offer strong isolation because each one is a completely separate OS. This means if one VM gets compromised, the attacker can't easily jump to another. 

Containers share the same kernel, so a vulnerability there could potentially affect all containers on the host. However, modern container security solutions have introduced best practices and tools to mitigate these risks, like namespace isolation and mandatory access controls.

So, while both containers and VMs have their places in the tech world, they serve different needs. Containers are great for lightweight, fast, and efficient application deployment. VMs are better for scenarios needing strong isolation and full-fledged operating systems. Understanding these nuances will help you choose the right tool for the job.

Security challenges unique to containers

Too many containers to manage

The most notable security challenge is the sheer number of containers you often run in a production environment. Each container can be thought of as its own little mini-server, and managing security at that scale can be daunting. 

Imagine having to secure hundreds, or even thousands, of these mini-servers, each potentially introducing its own set of vulnerabilities. It's like trying to keep an eye on a swarm of bees.

Limited isolation

Containers share the same OS kernel, unlike virtual machines which have their own. This means that if an attacker manages to breach one container, they might be able to exploit the shared kernel and break out to other containers. 

Lack of audit logs 

The ephemeral nature of containers makes it hard to audit security events. They're designed to be spun up, used, and then destroyed quickly. While this is great for agility and scaling, it’s a nightmare for traditional security practices. 

By the time you realize something went wrong, the container might already be gone, taking all its logs with it. This can make tracing back any malicious activity incredibly difficult.

Networking challenges

Containers often have their own network layers, making traditional network monitoring tools less effective. It's like having a hidden layer in your network that your usual tools can't see into. This can make detecting malicious activity or abnormal traffic patterns much harder.

Along with corrupted or infected container images and loose permissions that we have discussed earlier, these are some of the security challenges you will face that are unique to containers. So, while containers are powerful tools, they come with their own set of security considerations that you have to manage carefully.

What are the causes of container isolation issues?

Containers use Linux namespaces to isolate processes. However, there are instances when this isolation can break down or be manipulated, which causes network security risks. Let’s review the source of the isolation struggles that dog container network architectures.

PID namespace

Although it provides an isolated view of the processes, it’s possible to share the PID namespace across containers. This can be helpful for debugging, but it's also a potential security risk. For example, if a malicious actor gains access to a container sharing a PID namespace, they can see and potentially interfere with processes in other containers. 

Network namespace

This namespace isolates network interfaces and routing tables. However, sharing the network namespace for network probing can reveal critical information. 

By using tools like `nsenter`, network configurations, including IP addresses and listening ports, become visible. A compromised container with access to this namespace could manipulate network settings or intercept traffic.

Mount namespaces

These namespaces provide an isolated filesystem view, but can also present challenges. If proper filesystem permissions aren't enforced, the host's directory where container files are stored, such as `/var/lib/docker/`, becomes a target. Unauthorized access to this directory can lead to data exfiltration or tampering.

Cgroup namespaces

These help limit resource usage but can leak information if not used correctly. Containers using the host's cgroup namespace can access details about host system services. This leakage can provide attackers with valuable system-level information, enabling more targeted attacks.

User namespace

This namespace allows a process to run as root inside a container without actual root privileges on the host. While this is a brilliant security measure, improper configurations or system vulnerabilities, like CVE-2022-0185, can be exploited to escape the container and gain host-level access.

Understanding these isolation issues helps us secure containers more effectively. By configuring namespaces correctly and using tools like `nsenter` and `unshare` strategically, you can maintain strong container security. But you must be vigilant, as even minor misconfigurations can lead to major security breaches.

How to secure the container host

Unlike virtual machines, containers share the same operating system (OS) kernel. This makes the host OS a potential point of vulnerability. A compromised container can affect other containers and the host itself. 

Use a container-specific OS

Container-specific OSs are designed to only run containers, resulting in a smaller attack surface compared to general-purpose OSs.

For instance, consider using an OS like Google's Container-Optimized OS or Red Hat's CoreOS. These are built with security in mind, reducing unnecessary components that could be exploited.

Always keep the host OS up-to-date with the latest security patches

Automating patch management ensures that you’re not missing out on essential updates. Imagine you had a leak in your house. Fixing it immediately would prevent a flood; similarly, timely patches protect your system from potential threats.

Isolate namespaces

By isolating namespaces, you limit interactions between the containers and the host kernel. This is akin to having separate rooms for different activities in your house, avoiding interference and ensuring privacy. 

Additionally, ensure that the host OS has no unnecessary applications or libraries. Think of it as decluttering your workspace: only keep what you need to get the job done, and nothing more. 

Monitor your container host’s activity

Use tools like Falco to detect unusual behavior. If you notice something suspicious, take immediate action. This could mean isolating the container, restarting it, or stopping it altogether.

Securing the container host is about being vigilant and prepared. By using a specialized OS, staying updated with patches, enforcing namespace isolation, decluttering, and monitoring actively, you can protect your container environments from a range of security threats.

Why using minimalistic and secure base images promotes container security

When Docker kicked off the great container wave, one of the big advantages, compared to virtual machines, was the speed and size of containers. Software developers quickly started taking this further. 

How small could container images get? What's needed to remain for the container to be useful? 

The first point worth making is that size isn’t everything. In container images, size is often used as a proxy for a more useful measure: the number of components in an image, or its complexity. The less complex the image—the fewer binaries and packages in it—the lower the risk of something going wrong or being targeted by hackers.

One powerful way to reduce complexity is to cut down Linux distributions to their bare bones. The result is a base image that software teams can easily build on, installing additional packages with a package manager. 

Two two options commonly recommended for slimming down a base image are Debian Slim and Alpine. For example, Debian Slim variants, like `debian:11-slim`, reduce the image size significantly, from around 118 MB to about 74 MB, by removing documentation and locale files. But if you need something even smaller, Alpine is the way to go, clocking in at around 5 MB thanks to its use of the busybox tool suite and musl.

However, you can go further. Although these images are optimized for small size, they still contain a full Linux distribution. Is a full distribution really what you need? 

When your images are running in production, you don’t need to compile binaries, install new packages, or add new users. So why are you loading your images with software to do this?

It’s possible to strip everything out and use a completely empty image, known as a “scratch” image, to host our application. This is dependent on being able to create a “static” binary that contains all its dependencies, including system libraries. 

Doing this typically results in an image only a few MB in size. For instance, a Rust CLI tool can get down to 15.9 MB, a Go hello world binary to 2.07 MB, and a similar C program to an astonishing 452 bytes.

In most cases, though, you will find your application requires a few more things, such as root certificate data for trusted TLS connections, core libraries like glibc or musl, runtimes for certain languages like JRE, Python, or Node, and files and directories commonly used by libraries including `/etc/passwd` and `/tmp`.

These requirements effectively gave rise to the distroless container philosophy. Distroless containers hold the minimum needed to get going; so they have certificates and base requirements for various stacks, with almost none of the typical Linux distribution features like a package manager or shell.

How to secure containers during runtime

Ensuring runtime security for your containers means taking proactive measures. Containers operate as mini-environments, each running its piece of software in isolation. This isolation is great for security, but it doesn’t mean you can set and forget.

Continuously monitor your containers

Doing this allows you to catch any anomalies early. For example, if a container suddenly starts communicating with an unknown IP address, you should get an alert. This could indicate that the container has been compromised. 

There are tools like Falco and Sysdig that help by monitoring system calls and network activity within our containers. Using these tools, you can set rules that trigger alerts when something fishy happens.

Ensure your containers running with the least privileges necessary

This means configuring the container runtime to avoid running containers as the root user. Instead, we can assign specific user permissions that only allow the actions the container needs to perform. For instance, if a container only needs to read from a database, it shouldn’t have write access.

Know your software supply chain

The images you use for your containers should come from trusted sources. Using images from Docker Hub is convenient, but you should be cautious. Always pull images from official repositories or those that you have vetted ourselves. 

For better control, you can use a private registry and scan images for vulnerabilities before deploying them. Tools like Clair or Trivy can scan container images for known security issues.

Regularly update your software

Containers should not be static, especially when new vulnerabilities are discovered frequently. You need to make it a habit to rebuild and redeploy containers with the latest software updates. 

Automated systems can help here. For example, using CI/CD pipelines to redeploy containers whenever there's an update can significantly reduce your exposure to security risks.

Segment your network

This involves configuring your containers so they only have access to the necessary network segments. For instance, if you have a container running a web server, it doesn’t need access to the database segment. Tools like Kubernetes Network Policies can help you enforce these restrictions at the network level.

By staying proactive and using the right tools and configurations, you can maintain a robust security posture for your containers even during runtime.

How to manage container access and privileges

It’s crucial for security to maintain tight control to the services containers have access to and what they can do. Implementing the least privilege principle is central to this goal. 

You should only give containers the permissions they absolutely need and nothing more. If a container doesn't need access to a specific resource, it shouldn't have it.

Imagine you have a container running a web server. This container shouldn't need access to your entire file system or your network configuration tools. It should only have permission to access the directories and files it needs to serve the web pages. 

For example, you could use file system permissions to ensure it only reads from a specific folder containing HTML files and writes only to a designated log file.

Avoid running containers in privileged mode

Privileged mode gives your container extended permissions that can potentially be misused. Normally, a container shouldn't need to modify network interfaces or change kernel parameters. 

For instance, if you're running a database container, it just needs to handle database queries and write data to its own storage volumes. Granting it network administration privileges would be overkill and could open doors to security vulnerabilities.

In Kubernetes, you can enforce the least privilege principle with role-based access control. By defining roles and binding them to specific service accounts, you make sure that each container only gets the permissions it absolutely needs. 

For example, you might create a role that allows reading secrets from a specific namespace and bind it only to containers that actually need that information.

Another handy tool is the use of Security Contexts in Kubernetes. You can define what privileges a pod or container can run with. This might include setting user IDs and group IDs, or ensuring that a container can't escalate its privileges. For instance, a security context might specify that a container runs as a non-root user, limiting its ability to perform potentially harmful actions.

Taking the time to ensure your containers run with the least privilege necessary can save you a lot of headaches down the road. It’s a proactive approach to security that minimizes risks and helps keep your system robust against potential threats.

How to achieve container isolation through network segmentation

Keeping containers on separate network segments ensures they don't interfere with each other or expose sensitive data unintentionally. 

For instance, imagine you have an application split into multiple microservices. Each microservice might rely on its own container: a front-end web server, a backend API, and a database. 

Placing these containers on the same network could lead to unintentional access. If an attacker compromises your web server, they could potentially access the database directly. But if you place your database in a different, more restricted network segment, you add an extra layer of defense.

Define rules that control the flow of traffic between containers

To achieve this, you can use network policies offered by container orchestration tools like Kubernetes. Kubernetes, for example, allows you to define rules that control the flow of traffic between containers. 

For example, you can set a rule that only permits traffic from the web server container to the API container, and then another rule that restricts the API container so it can only communicate with the database container. This way, even if an attacker gains access to one container, they won't have free rein over your entire network.

Docker also offers some handy features like user-defined networks. By creating separate Docker networks and placing containers within them, you can control communication between containers. 

Say you have network segments named 'frontend_net' and 'backend_net.' Your web server might live on 'frontend_net,' while your API and database might reside on 'backend_net.' The web server will then have limited access to only the API container, and not the database, keeping things neatly compartmentalized.

Use VLANs and ACLs to segment network traffic

VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) can segment network traffic at the hardware switch level. You might assign one VLAN to your development environment and another to your production environment. By doing this, you separate traffic at a much lower level, ensuring your development containers have no direct access to production services.

Using firewalls and access control lists (ACLs) also helps. For example, setting up an internal firewall rule that only allows traffic from the IP range of your frontend network to reach your backend network can significantly reduce potential attack vectors. You’re essentially saying, "Only trusted sources from this specific area can enter."

By leveraging these techniques, you can effectively isolate your containers, creating a robust, multi-layered defense for your network.

Security benefits of using a service mesh for container communication

Using a service mesh can really simplify things for app developers and operations teams. Imagine you are working on an application with various microservices. With a service mesh, these microservices can communicate securely and efficiently. 

One significant advantage is the ability to control the rollout of new services without disrupting the entire application. For example, you can perform canary deployments, sending a small portion of traffic to the new service to verify it works as expected before a full rollout. 

This means you can introduce new features or updates gradually, minimizing the risk of widespread service disruption. A/B testing is another useful feature. You can test different versions of a service or feature with segments of users to see which performs better. This is incredibly valuable for marketing campaigns or user experience optimizations. 

Green-blue deployments are also possible. These allow you to run two identical environments and switch traffic gradually, which helps in monitoring errors or negative impacts without affecting the whole system. 

Another benefit is splitting services across multiple clusters. It provides deep insight into how different parts of your app communicate and perform. You can set service-level objectives (SLOs) to ensure your app meets specific performance criteria, like response times. 

Lastly, managing services becomes much easier. You can visualize all the communication between microservices, whether they are on-premises or in the cloud. A service mesh manager tool can provide real-time and historical data on security, workload latency, and more. This helps optimize app performance and quickly address issues by pinpointing the exact location of any problem. 

Using a service mesh, you can focus on developing and maintaining your microservices, leaving communication, security, and observability to the mesh. This lets you build more resilient, flexible, and efficient applications.

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