Managed SD-WAN: Definition, Components & Benefits

October 18, 2024
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Managed SD-WAN is when another organization's own IT team sets up and manages all the components of your SD-WAN infrastructure. It is an out-of-the-box solution for managing multiple network connections, critical applications, and security. SD-WAN itself gives you the ability to manage your WAN architecture through software. 

Managed SD-WAN empowers businesses by transforming their networks into smart, adaptable infrastructures. Embracing this technology allows companies to navigate today's IT challenges more effectively and create a better experience for users.

How managed SD-WAN differs from unmanaged SD-WAN

Comparing SD-WAN versus unmanaged SD-WAN is like comparing a chauffeur-driven car to one you drive yourself. With a managed solution, all the heavy lifting is done for you. A team of experts handles network optimization, security settings, and updates. You get to sit back and enjoy the ride. 

In contrast, an unmanaged SD-WAN means you’re in the driver’s seat, responsible for managing every aspect. This can be daunting, especially without a dedicated IT department.

Level of support and expertise

With a managed SD-WAN, you have access to seasoned professionals who can troubleshoot issues swiftly and optimize network performance based on the latest technologies. 

For example, if an office suddenly experiences increased traffic due to a new project, the managed service provider can dynamically adjust bandwidth and paths to ensure smooth operation. With unmanaged, you might find yourself scrambling to make these adjustments manually, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.


Managed services often include a suite of security features tailored to your network's needs. They provide robust threat protection and ensure your data is safe as it travels over the internet. 

For instance, if a new cyber threat emerges, your managed provider can quickly update security protocols across the network. On the flip side, unmanaged SD-WAN requires you to stay on top of these threats and implement protections yourself—no easy task amid evolving cyber risks.

Centralized management tools

These tools are intuitive, allowing quick adjustments and real-time monitoring without needing deep technical knowledge. Picture an easy-to-use dashboard where you can see the health of your entire network at a glance, something typically offered with managed solutions. 

Unmanaged SD-WAN might rely on multiple disparate tools, requiring more time and technical know-how to achieve the same level of oversight.


If downtime or network issues arise, a managed SD-WAN service provider works to fix them immediately, minimizing impact. You'll have peace of mind knowing that someone is always there to ensure everything runs smoothly. 

In contrast, dealing with these problems yourself can be stressful and time-consuming. It requires having the right skills and resources on hand, which might not be feasible for every company.

Ultimately, managed SD-WAN offers a comprehensive, hassle-free experience. It lets businesses focus on their core operations without worrying about the intricacies of network management. In an unmanaged scenario, however, the responsibility lies with you, demanding a higher level of expertise and commitment to keep things running smoothly.

Key components of managed SD-WAN

Transport independence

This is like having multiple lanes on a highway and choosing the best one depending on the traffic. Managed SD-WAN uses a mix of broadband, LTE, or even MPLS if needed. This flexibility ensures your applications are always running at their best, without being stuck on one traffic jam-prone route.

Centralized management

Picture having a bird's-eye view of your entire network on one dashboard. It feels like playing a strategy game where you can quickly react and adjust your tactics at any moment. 

This tool allows you to monitor, manage, and tweak the entire network in real time. It’s intuitive enough that even if you’re not an IT wizard, you can still make sense of everything. That means fewer headaches and more time to focus on the important stuff.


It’s like having a personal assistant who knows exactly what you need before you even ask. The SD-WAN system can automatically prioritize traffic, optimize performance, and even handle routine tasks like updates. 

For example, if your sales team needs a reliable connection for a video conference, the system automatically prioritizes that traffic to make sure their meeting goes off without a hitch.

Inbuilt security tools

With managed SD-WAN, security is built right into the fabric of the network. Imagine having a highly skilled bodyguard escorting your data wherever it goes. You get comprehensive threat protection with encryption and firewalls that are constantly updated. 

If there's ever a new vulnerability, your managed provider jumps in to patch it up before it becomes a problem. This keeps your data safe and sound, whether it's crossing through broadband or the cloud.

Application performance optimization

Managed SD-WAN is smart enough to understand the needs of different applications and adjust resources accordingly. If a department suddenly starts a big project and needs more bandwidth, the system dynamically shifts resources to accommodate this new demand.

All these components work together to create a seamless, secure, and efficient network experience. They allow you to focus on what truly matters—running your business and serving your clients—while the SD-WAN takes care of the rest.

Benefits of implementing managed SD-WAN

Implementing a managed SD-WAN can transform your business's connectivity. It's like having a personal guide through complex networking, ensuring everything runs smoothly. 

With managed SD-WAN, you get a cloud-first architecture, which simplifies how you connect to your cloud platforms. It's all handled through a single dashboard, making management a breeze.

Streamlines configurations

Ability to automate the deployment of virtual private gateways in infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) environments. This means we don't have to worry about manual configurations or getting stuck in tedious processes. 

Enhances connectivity

Managed SD-WAN enhances connectivity to cloud environments, offering automated solutions without forcing you into multitenant gateways. You get instant visibility into cloud traffic. 

This gives you control over how things are deployed and the benefit of automated management. There's no need for time-consuming manual processes. Plus, the system can optimize SaaS applications, which means your stakeholders experience efficient operations.

Boosts security

With managed SD-WAN, you can manage security in the right place with just a few clicks. This ensures your network remains protected against threats and vulnerabilities, whether in your data center or at remote locations. 

The system transforms routers into advanced security devices with enterprise firewalls, IPS, and continuous DNS monitoring. This layer of security gives you peace of mind, knowing that your data is protected, even against insider threats.

Predictable application experiences are a reality with managed SD-WAN. The advanced vAnalytics engine helps you isolate issues quickly. It also provides real-time information, performance forecasting, and intelligent recommendations. 

This means your users enjoy optimal speeds and application performance, regardless of the connection type. By reducing false alarms and unnecessary escalations, you can focus on what truly matters—your core operations.

Simplifies network management

Embracing managed SD-WAN means you hand over the complexities of network management to experts. This allows you to focus more on innovation and less on troubleshooting. It's like having a team dedicated to ensuring your business connectivity is always at its best, streamlining your processes, and enhancing your productivity without you lifting a finger.

Scalability and flexibility

Managed SD-WAN gives you the power to scale and flex your network like never before. It's like having a magic wand for network management. 

When your company decides to expand and open new locations, the process is seamless. You can quickly provision new sites without a hitch. No more waiting around or dealing with tedious manual setups. It's all automated, smooth, and efficient.  

For example, when you launch a satellite office in another city, you don't stress over the network. Managed SD-WAN made it easy to connect everything swiftly. You don’t have to fret about bandwidth issues either. 

The system automatically adjusts to your needs. If one department suddenly requires more bandwidth for a major project, the network adapts. It’s like having an invisible team working tirelessly behind the scenes.

Additionally, the capability to use multiple connection types—like broadband, LTE, or even MPLS—ensures you are never locked into a single option. It’s reassuring to have that kind of diversity. You can always choose the best path for each situation. 

Best practices for implementing managed SD-WAN

Conduct a thorough assessment of your current network infrastructure

This step helps you identify what works and what doesn't, allowing you to make informed decisions when integrating SD-WAN. For example, when you assess your network, you may discover several underutilized MPLS links that are driving up costs. Recognizing this allows you to explore other transport options like LTE and broadband, which managed SD-WAN seamlessly accommodates.

Collaborate with your managed SD-WAN provider

This is like having a trusted advisor guiding you through the setup. You must work closely with your managed service team to tailor the solution to your needs. 

They will help you configure centralized management tools, providing you with an intuitive dashboard for real-time insights and adjustments. Leveraging the provider's expertise ensures you are set up for success right from the start.

Embrace automation within your managed SD-WAN environment

Automation is like having a reliable assistant handling routine tasks. By configuring the system to automatically prioritize critical traffic, you can maintain optimal performance for key applications. 

For instance, during your quarterly sales meetings, you will never have to worry about video call quality because the system automatically adjusts bandwidth allocations. This ensures your meetings run smoothly and without interruptions.

Ensure robust, layered protection

Your managed SD-WAN solution comes with built-in security features like encryption and dynamic firewalls. You must work with your managed SD-WAN provider to set up application-aware security policies, customizing them as needed. 

For example, when you extend your network to a new remote office, implementing additional security measures should be straightforward. The provider should assist you in customizing security protocols specific to that location.

Continuously monitor and optimize your managed SD-WAN setup

This involves regular check-ins using the centralized dashboard. You must continuously review analytics and performance data to identify areas for improvement.

For example, when your marketing team launches a major campaign and you notice a spike in network usage, you can dynamically adjust resources to ensure the campaign gets the bandwidth it needs. That continuous monitoring represents a proactive approach that helps you stay ahead and make necessary adjustments before issues arise.

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